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Keeping Canadians on the move

Canadian Fuels Association is the voice of Canada’s transportation fuels sector. Our members support a strong, resilient economy as well as the achievement of Canada’s environmental goals.

Our focus

A leading voice & trusted partner

Our mandate is to drive Canada forward by promoting policies that improve industry environmental performance, protect industry competitiveness, strengthen Canada’s critical energy infrastructure, and ensure dependable, safe, and environmentally responsible transportation energy is accessible to all Canadians.

Driving to 2050

We see a future where Canadians achieve significant transportation GHG emissions reductions without compromising the ability to move people and goods. We see a future where Canada is a leader in the development of clean transportation-energy choices.


We keep the lines of communication open – between industry and government (federal, provincial and municipal) and also among the industry, its stakeholders and public.

Environmental Commitment

We understand that climate change is the biggest challenge of our time and we are doing our part to reduce emissions.

Health & Safety

Safely producing and delivering transportation fuels is what our industry does best

By the numbers

An industry moving forward


of Canada’s transportation fuels are powered by petroleum products, like gasoline and diesel.


of crude oil refined in Canada is from Canadian oil sources.

$9.5 billion

in trade value from refined petroleum product exports.


Canadians are employed in the petroleum downstream sector.


of energy used in Canada’s agriculture sector is fueled by refined petroleum products.

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