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Health & Safety

Safe Sites & Communities

Canadian Fuels members are dedicated to the safety and health of employees, contractors and neighbours. 

The safety record for Canadian refineries is among the best for Canada’s manufacturing sector. This excellent safety record is the result of carefully planned and executed systems and processes designed to prevent incidents. While the demand for petroleum products remains steady, the safety record at our members’ refineries is continuously improving. This has been achieved through the constant attention to safety by all employees.

There is no substitute for well-trained, experienced professional and technical workers, and informed communities, to assure safe operations. Canadian Fuels members have developed an excellent safety record operating in collaboration with Canadian communities for more than a century.

Process Safety Management results in a culture of process safety in all refinery operations. Preventing accidents, promoting and reinforcing safe behaviour are the anchors for safe processes and work practices. Our members comply with all applicable government regulations, laws, permits, agency orders and agreements.

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