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by Canadian Fuels Association

Driving smarter comes with big benefits, including a chance to win $1,000!

 |  Canadian Fuels Association, Environment, Fuels, Greenhouse Gases, Lower Carbon Future

Are you looking for an easy way to save on fuel, improve air quality and even have a chance to win prizes?

It’s time to sign up for the Smart Drive Challenge — the free driver education program that shows you how to reduce fuel costs, fuel consumption and GHG emissions all at the same time.

Smart Drive, supported by the Canadian Fuels Association, is an initiative of Scout Environmental. In the last two years, Smart Drive was limited to certain regions of the country, but this year, all Canadians can take part. It’s easy to register and to follow the program online. You can earn points, which also qualify you to win some great prizes.

Smart Drive has extended the registration deadline by a month, so there’s still time to take part.

We asked Mike Driedger of Scout Environmental what’s new this year for the Smart Drive Challenge.

Q: How is Smart Drive different this year? 

A: The program has changed by focusing less on driver monitoring and tracking, to focusing primarily on driver education. We wanted Smart Drive Challenge to be able to engage, educate and empower as many drivers as possible. Shifting the focus to a free online format means anyone interested — whether they're new or experienced drivers — can participate.  Wherever they are in Canada, there's a free easy-to-use program that will show them how to be better, more efficient drivers.

Q: Why have you decided to extend the deadline?

A: We've extended the deadline so more drivers have the opportunity to participate. Our goal is to engage drivers across Canada to show them how they can be smarter, more efficient drivers. Adding another month to the campaign will let even more drivers learn how they can save fuel, save money and reduce their emissions. Plus, we're into springtime now. Nice weather makes transportation less of a slog and more of a pleasure.

Q: What are the benefits of participating? 
A: Overall, participants are learning tips and strategies to save fuel, save money and reduce their emissions — great for their wallet and the environment! First of all, we're showing participants what they can do to be a more efficient driver.

There are steps all of us can take to be better when we're behind the wheel, so we start there. Did you know that every 10 kilometres per hour you go over 100, fuel efficiency drops by 10 per cent? Going 120 km/h instead of 100 is like paying an extra 20 per cent for gas.

After driving tips, we focus on what you can do with your current vehicle to make it more efficient. There are some very simple things you can do to achieve big fuel savings, like one underinflated tire can increase fuel consumption up to 4 per cent.
Q: There are cool prizes as well as the eco-benefits. Can you elaborate? 
A: There are a bunch of cash prizes ranging from $100 to $1,000. Just completing the first course, ecoDriving Online, will enter you into a draw for one of 20 $100 cash prizes.

The more you learn through the program, the more we'll reward you. As you go through the program, you earn points along the way. These points get you entered for some great cash prizes, so the more you learn, the better your chances of winning.
Sign up for Smart Drive today. You can also discover more tips on driving smarter, and find out what one challenger said about the program in a previous year.

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