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by Canadian Fuels Association

Refineries 101: a visual guide

 |  Energy, Fossil Fuels, Fuels, Refineries

Refineries are complex, multi-unit, and increasingly high-tech processors that make a multitude of fuels for Canadians. That being said, we’ve managed to “distill” the basics, to describe and illustrate the refining process for easy understanding.

Check out these infographics, and we’re sure you’ll come away with a great grasp on how your gasoline, diesel and other fuels are made! 

Cost of refineries in Canada

Average output from a barrel of oil

The refining process

The four step process for an oil refinery

Want to know more? We have tons of interesting previous blogs that can help you dive deeper into how refineries are different; how they reduce sulphur; how many there are in Canada; how a new one is capturing and storing carbon, and another is cleaning water; and how one existing refinery has already captured a million tonnes of CO2 with a new carbon capture and storage system.

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